If you’ve been following me on Instagram you may well know that we’re in the middle of a few different home based projects. I had to do a drive a few weeks ago to pick up some new kitchen tiles and I decided to treat myself to a trip for a Homesense Haul in Northampton which was close by to my tile pick up. This post is mainly homeware, but does include two beauty bits I found in the TK Maxx close by to the Homesense I visited and a couple of bits I picked up in Next with a voucher I got for Christmas.
We’ll start with Next as I picked up just two things, I didn’t know what to ask for for Christmas so requested some Next vouchers to spend when I found something. For those outside the UK, Next is a department store but only stocks it’s own brand in store whilst they do stock other brands online, they do everything from homeware to clothing and beauty. Personally I don’t really love much of their clothing, I find it quite overpriced for the quality and the fit never seems great on me. I am however a sucker for some of their homeware and picked up 2 vases for our hall. I do plan on doing a final reveal of our hall and landing once complete but we’ve got a fairly striking colour scheme of black, white and orange theme going on. We have a piece of furniture on our landing which has been painted orange – and I’ve been looking for black and white accessories to go on top – these two vases were new in and I thought they were perfect – the larger striped one was £20 and the smaller Dalmatian one was £6. One thing that’s a little bit of a shame is that the striped vase is more creamy and the Dalmatian is pure white so they look a little funny right next to each other which was how I’d planned to have them.
TK Maxx
I had to stop into the TK Maxx just to check that they didn’t have a pink chair in (more on that later), and the homeware section whilst vast, didn’t tick off any other items that were on my list. I did have a quick browse of the beauty section and was pleasantly surprised that things hadn’t been destroyed. I’d heard a rumour that there were a few different ABH palettes in there and I found one that I had been eyeing for a while – the Riviera palette. I’d been tempted by this when it launched but always felt like it would probably end up in TK Maxx so I was pleased to find it for a little over half of it’s original cost (£24.99). I can’t wait to play with this with the weather warming up into Spring!
Also I picked up a Marvis toothpaste, one of the hardest things about deciding to go CF is realising that virtually every toothpaste that is easy to pick up is in this. I’d heard Marvis was a good brand and TK Maxx was a good place to pick it up for cheaper than you can often find it for online – so I thought we would try a tube and if good I’ll go back and stock up. (£4.99, I think normally £8 a tube)
Lastly from TK Maxx was this Grown Alchemist Intensive Body Scrub – I’ve got a couple of bits of facial skincare in my to-test pile so was intrigued when I saw this with a normal price tag of £38.99 and it was just £6.99. I’ve already mentioned this in my Five new in the shower post and I’ve found it to be a bit of a let down – it’s not scrubby enough for me and can’t really notice particular effects from it.
So this was the big shop – Homesense for those who aren’t aware is TK Maxx but purely homeware. It’s the same things at the same price points at TK Maxx, but you often get a lot more choice, particularly with bigger furniture pieces which don’t tend to be in TK Maxx. With our house now we still have areas to fill, but I’m very much in the mindset of waiting for the right piece, rather than filling the house and then looking back on it in a years time and not being happy with what I’ve bought. One of my main reasons for visiting was hoping to find a pink chair for one of our spare bedrooms dressing table which we’ve finally agreed on a colour scheme for! Sadly no pink chairs was found, I did see one in the perfect colour but it was a jersey material and I thought it could stretch or go bobbly.
Emerald Velvet Chair – £79.99
I picked this up for my dressing table, I had a brighter green chair a few months ago which has actually broke and needs repairing, I really like the colour but we decided on a different colour green for our bedroom in the end, and when I saw this it was the perfect shade for the paint we’ve got mixed up and ready to go. We’ll keep and repair the other chair, but I think it may go into the bedroom which we haven’t decorated yet.
Dog Toy – £5.99
I couldn’t visit without picking up a quirky dog toy for Charlie and Dex – as I’m writing this I only gave this to them a few hours ago and they both seem a little puzzled by it! They normally love a weird looking toy, but they’re both a little wary of it at the moment!
Large Curver Basket – £3.99
I have a few of these around the house, whilst doing some organising in our kitchen I found a few areas that had things in bags rather than a basket and I thought I’d pick up some to make the cupboards a bit more organised. I wanted to pick up some more in this size but they only had this one, so I’ll keep my eye out in Wilkos for more when they are on offer. I do find them the cheapest in TK Maxx/Homesense, but in other places you have to wait for them to be on offer to get them at the same price.
Utensil Holders – £4.99 each
Our kitchen is being changed and our colour scheme is Navy, Gold and Almond tones, we currently have 2 mismatched utensil holders, neither of which I particularly like. Around a month ago I spotted one of these in a TK Maxx but wanted 2 matching ones. When I found 2 matching ones in gold in Homesense I literally punched the air and said “yay”. I’m going to save these until everything is done in the kitchen and these will then get swapped in. These are from the brand AQ – I tried to find these online after seeing them a month ago and struggled!
Dish Rack – £9.99
Last but not least is this dish drying rack – we currently have a chrome one that we’ve had for a good few years and it’s feet have gone a bit rusty and I was getting fed up of scrubbing little marks off the sink. I was looking for a gold one but after searching high and low on the internet I couldn’t find one which also had a cutlery holder in it. I found this grey one which had rubber feet, and a tray – I’m not sure whether the tray is a great idea for us – but very handy if you don’t have a draining area next to your sink!
Fruit Bowl – £7.99
This was from exactly the same range as the Utensil holders. We have a fruit bowl and we’ve had it since we first moved out and I’ve hated it for several years, it’s nice but it’s red which is one colour I just don’t love! I also loved that this had a banana hook on it to keep the banana fresher for longer and couldn’t resist grabbing it as an excuse to bin our other!
Mugs – £2.99 Each
Ben did a little eye roll when I told him I had bought mugs – there as a point where I would buy mugs a lot, but since moving I’ve only bought 2 that were easter ones last year. Plus we’ve broke a few recently, but I saw them and they matched the aesthetic of the kitchen perfectly. The navy, gold and white combo was perfect – and also my obsession with black and white was also in love with the monochrome versions. I wanted to pick up 3 of each but they only had two Navy ones, so I will keep my eye out in other TK Maxx stores and see if I can find others that match in so we have 6.
Plant Pots
I picked up 3 but 2 of these were for my Mum who had requested I picked her some up of a certain size, the black and white one was for me (again with the monochrome) – which was £3.99. The pale blue one (£4.99) I was half tempted for myself too but didn’t really need a blue pot – My Mum and I have fairly similar tastes when it comes to decor, and I picked her up a neutral one with a pretty iridencent sheen (£5.99) so it would fit into almost any room at hers.
Decorative Blue Glass Dish – £4.99
I am fairly confident the person who this is a present for won’t see this post – but My Mum again asked me to hunt out something that was turqoise or teal – I sent her pictures of the options I could find and she asked me to grab this for her to give to someone. I have several pretty trinket dishes from TK Maxx, they tend to be one of the best places to pick this kind of things up from in fun colours!
Decorative Throw – £24.99
I’d seen a few people on vlogs recently pick up beautiful throws from Homesense, and that was another part of my inspiration to have a look in. We mainly use throws in areas the dogs are so aren’t inclined to spend too much – but I wanted to get a couple of really nice throws for our spare rooms where the dogs aren’t allowed. I found this one which was perfect for the room with the aforementioned pink chair, which is a navy, pink and white theme with a coastal vibe. This caught my eye out of hundreds of throws and I loved the touches of gold threads running through it. It didn’t have a price so I had to wait whilst they decided how much it would be, but it was worth the wait!
I hope you enjoyed my mostly homeware from homesense haul – I’ve not done a really big TK Maxx Haul in ages and I’m really pleased with everything I picked up!
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Email: helplesswhilstdrying@gmail.com
I’d be at TK Maxx for half priced high end makeup ALL THE TIME!!!!!! There’s nothing like that here in Malaysia…
The only issue is is because they don’t have testers a lot of stuff can be swatched – some stores are better than others but when you find something that’s sealed it’s like your prayers have been answered hahah!
That dog toy is cute & hilarious! I’ve seen the Rivera & Alyssa Edwards palettes at TJ Maxx & Marshall’s here in the States. Not interested in either though (even though I adore Alyssa Edwards). I just got a cute black lattice utensil holder at a shop we have here called Big Lots (they sell clearance & overstock they get from other stores).
It took a couple of days for the dogs to get used to it. They had the Alyssa edwards palette where I first shopped too, I’m not a drag race watcher so don’t know anything about her but the colours were too much for me to wear regularly and it looked a bit too matte for me. I’ve not heard of Black Lots before – is it a chain or something local to you?
Big Lots (not Black Lots) is an American chain store. They sell overstock & closeout items from other retailers. Everything from housewares & some grocery items to toys, furniture, etc.
Sounds like my kind of place! explains why I couldn’t find anything when I googled!
Hi Rachel. Are you ok? We havn’t heard from you for a looooong time
Hi Anne,
I took an unintentional break! I am hoping to come back in a few weeks time, just starting to plan some posts out now!
Rachael xx
Hi Rachel
Good to know you are well. I’ll look forward to your posts when you are ready. Hav a good summer
Br Anne
LOVE those vases and the mugs – great finds!
Zoey | http://www.zoeyolivia.com
I adore the vases, I love moving them between different rooms they fit in well everywhere!