Well hello. I didn’t quite expect to be taking a long old break from my blog at the beginning of the year. Firstly, I hope you and your families and friends are all safe and well and surviving Covid where you are. When I came to log into my blog to begin writing this post, I had to do a password reset, it had been that long since I’d last checked in on my blog at all. In all honesty a few weeks ago I wasn’t sure that I was going to come back at all – when I posted about this on my Instagram stories I had a lot of people messaging me hoping I would come back and it was lovely to see and hear.
Sorry… I’ve been… busy?
I never intended to take a break from blogging – at the beginning of lockdown work became really busy – there were a few weeks in a row where I was working ’til 11pm and through weekends as my parent’s business, where I work was so incredibly busy with mail order. It wasn’t a bad thing at all, however it was very tiring. On top of that I have had a lot going on personally which I won’t delve into but it’s been a stressful time since March. I’ve not felt or been myself, I haven’t felt creative and I’ve lacked motivation for even thinking about blogging.
Over the past year where as my blog used to be my outlet for creative juices, I’ve really been more fuelled to spend time decorating our home and making each room a place I love to spend time, and the blog has taken a little more of a back seat. However I do still love my blog, it’s been a good stress reliever over the years and provided a welcome distraction at points – I’m in a much better place now and this. I’d love to start sharing the finished rooms as I have a real love for interiors and where most of my spare money tends to go at the moment is in homeware and decorating!
But a part of me does really miss picking up my camera and taking some pretty pictures of a new eye shadow palette and taking time to really play with it and review it. Blogging for me has a lot of different steps all of which are good stress relievers depending on how I’m feeling. Whether it’s the photography, the actual testing/playing with makeup and writing (and reading!) posts, and I need a slice of stress relief back again. Over the past few weeks I’ve been contacted by brands who want to work with me and it’s got my creative juices flowing again and I’ve bursting with ideas.
Catching a Curveball
Around a year ago I wrote a post called hitting restart, where I was talking about leaving a job I loved and going to work for my parent’s business. The move was never intended to be permanent for me, however I thought I’d get to a point where my parents and I were expecting/planned for me to leave. But life doesn’t work that way does it – and I was hit with a massive curveball.
Last year whilst I was miserable in my old job – I searched and searched for an opportunity working within beauty. There was nothing that I could find that suited my skillset but also didn’t involve either moving or a massive commute. I was approached about a job on Linkedin working for a large and growing high-end skincare company – I thought “yeah okay… but it just won’t suit my home-life, will it” – wrong, it fit pretty damn well. I read through the job description and pretty much every bullet point I had done before, I sent it to a friend who I used to work with and they’d said “this is you in a job description, and it’s in beauty”. So I quickly updated my CV and sent it along and within 5 days I had an interview, done a presentation and been offered the job.
What. a. whirlwind.
Over the next few months I might share where that is as it won’t be information that’s hard to find online if someone went searching, and it could well become obvious as I’m sure the products will become a part of my regimen. It’s an opportunity I wasn’t expecting to come up and it’s all come out of the blue and as a surprise for me, and my parents who thankfully have been very supportive (as they always are – thank you if you end up reading this Mum!) – to be honest the timing hasn’t been fantastic, but I’d kick myself if I didn’t take the opportunity – as I discovered in the past the opportunities don’t come up often. I start officially in a few weeks!
So I’m hoping I’m back getting myself back into blogging now – in the past year I’d been putting out anywhere between 1-3 posts a week and I’d like to try and get back to posting weekly, for years I’ve said I’ve wanted to encompass more lifestyle, food, fashion and travel and have struggled mixing things up but I think in order for my blog to stay alive I need to make it fit around my current interests – which still does include beauty, but maybe not as much as it once did. But my creative juices feel like they’re flowing a bit more again and I’m hoping going back to blogging will help me feel more like me again. I’ll probably be starting with my empties as I have an absolutely massive pile I need to get into the bin and recycling ASAP!
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Email: helplesswhilstdrying@gmail.com
I’m glad you want to return to blogging, yours is one of my absolute favourites and I’ve missed your posts! Don’t blame you for taking a back seat though, life happens and things crop up, I’ve been going through some personal stuff and haven’t felt like posting recently either.
Congratulations on the new job opportunity, that’s great news! xx
Thank you Chanelle, yours is one of mine too – I know when I first logged back in a few weeks ago the first place I went to catch up on a few posts from was yours! I hope you’re okay and here to chat if needed!
Thank you! It’s been a bit crazy and only just starting to sink in now – I had a couple of days where it didn’t seem quite real about how it had all come together and suited me so well!
Aww that’s very kind of you! I’ve been slacking a little unfortunately! I’m doing ok, I keep soldiering on 😊 here if you need a chat too x
Glad your back! I think it’d be great to evolve your blog to your current interests and to include home decor etc as well as beauty😊❤ x
Thank you Dannii! I’ve been putting off home decor stuff because I keep thinking “that’s not quite finished yet!” maybe if I start it will give me a kick up the bum to start feeling like I’ve got rooms complete!
So nice to see you back, Rachael! And congrats on the new job, sounds like an amazing fit and it must be interesting to be more on the “inside” in the beauty world! Definitely would love to see more home stuff, but I am a huge snoop and will never miss an opportunity to see how others decorate, absolutely love it :]
Thanks Ashley, I bet it’s going to be eye opening in many ways! Me too, I love when friends get a new home and being able to go and snoop around!
Glad to have you back. I’ll be interested in most thing you would like to write about 🙂