Scheduled (0)

I think this is the first week in a long time which I haven’t got any pre-scheduled posts for! Last week was in all honesty terrible for me. I wrote a really long blog-post and it was a cathartic experience (I also shared it with a few friends to gather opinions and check it actually made sense), but ultimately I got answers I wanted by the end of the week about my job, the extreme pain I had been in all week started to fade and everything started look a lot sunnier – so have decided not to publish it for now! (But thank you Sophie, Molly and Lora for being a sounding board for me last week!)

In general I tend to work a week ahead of myself and have the next weeks blog posts scheduled, and this week I’m entirely without any due to not feeling a lot like blogging has meant I have absolutely nothing scheduled so far for this week. I have some posts which are ready to go, awaiting photos but the weather has been so awful when I’ve been getting home I’ve been unable to take any.

This weekend was extremely busy, I went to a photoshoot with a local Magazine for the Peterborough and Stamford area for a feature on local bloggers (eek, Exciting!), and spent the rest of the day test driving new cars and trying to get our married asses into a more grown up car/dog friendly car/something that has room for family expansion (room in the boot for a pram and two dogs as I keep telling sales people!).

Saturday night we went over to see my Parents, who used us for experimentation for food (deep fried cucumber rings anyone?). Followed by a delicious Eton mess cheesecake (which my Mum told me off for instagramming because it was stealing her photo… she’s not quite worked out Instagram yet!). Sunday morning I gelled her nails ready for her for her week off work, before we headed home and tried to get our house in order – I spent an hour sweeping every corner and skirting board of Charlie’s hair who is malting like crazy, then 4 hours constructing a chest of drawers whilst Ben mowed the grass and got us a roast dinner ready, which we started to eat at 9pm. So overall it was a busy weekend and my plan to get one or two posts ready for the start of the week completely failed, so here’s to a busy lunchtime today trying to plan out the rest of my week!

It’s funny feeling being so unplanned, but actually it’s quite nice as I don’t know what this week is going to bring you, I’m normally not that far planned out a week-ten days at most and tend to chop and change posts as I go, but having no plan is alien. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and just a little reminder that my Marc Jacobs Watch giveaway ends tonight (Monday, UK time), so head over to my twitter to enter now in case you’d forgotten! Competition link here (open internationally, full rules here!)


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Helpless Whilst Drying




  1. August 7, 2017 / 12:55 pm

    sometimes it ok to have no posts scheduled! It might be a blessing in disguise 🙂 Just entered your give-away 🙂

  2. August 7, 2017 / 12:58 pm

    Literally this is my life and i’m off work until September! I think i’m so used to seeing your blog posts that when there isn’t one i’m like oh my god where’s my gal! Just do as much or as little as you want to do! Glad you’re feeling a little better and the prospect of a baby HWD in the near future makes me v excited to be a Blogger Auntie. Don’t stop drinking cocktails any time too soon though! Can’t get jolly on my own! xxx

  3. August 7, 2017 / 8:34 pm

    I spend the whole day writing and deleting and trashing and writing.. maybe it’s the weather, no? Sometimes not having a scheduled post can turn into a great post 😀

  4. August 7, 2017 / 9:07 pm

    It’s a lot work to run a blog full time on top of everything else! I’m trying to post weekly. I don’t know how I ever posted more than that in the past 😂

    • August 7, 2017 / 9:48 pm

      I’ve been posting 6 times a week at the moment! I’m enjoying putting out the content but it might be a bit slower for a few weeks as I’ll now be playing catch up! Managed to get 3 posts finished up tonight though 😊

      • August 7, 2017 / 10:06 pm

        Summer seems to be a bit slower for blogging anyway. I’m working on a post right now. I’d like to actually get 2 up for this week 😊

  5. August 8, 2017 / 1:55 am

    I’m glad your issue was sorted out with a little help from your friends! Sometimes it helps to vent. Hope things are ok now.
    Sounds like a busy weekend – and I think it’s perfectly fine to not force yourself into a routine when life isn’t always routine.

  6. August 8, 2017 / 6:16 am

    You work so hard on your blog, it astounds me that you never put anything other than the best stuff out there. Enjoy having some free space in your brain ❤️ xxx

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